
Project details


The OECD Space Forum is looking for involvement from students and academic staff in disciplines such as economics, engineering, science and business and other areas at Master, PhD or post-doc levels, with students working by themselves or within small multi-disciplinary teams in researching and responding to the same statements of work on space sustainability (participants may pick one or multiple statements of work to research):

  1. Understanding the value of space-based infrastructure(e.g. specific segments of the infrastructure such as earth observation, satellite telecommunications, human spaceflight infrastructure)
  2. Evaluating the economic impacts of space debris incidents, including impacts on society (e.g. denial of service) and specific users (e.g. operators themselves, government users)
  3. Identifying the effects of policy options for addressing space debris(e.g. taxation, insurance, active debris removal, etc.

The Deadline for registering is 15th, July 2022 and the submission of final papers for peer review will take place in September 2023.

Here you can find additional info:

Università degli Studi di Milano
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Via Conservatorio 7
20122 Milano MI -Italy
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