The study performs a cost-benefit analysis of public policies in the space sector in
Italy. The research investigates the impacts of ASI activities on the innovation and the
performance of several Italian actors.
Project details
The actors studied are:
- The upstream technology suppliers participating in the value chain including the research,
development, and construction of enabling space infrastructures, including technology
subcontractors. - The downstream firms active in Earth observation (OT), such as private and public actors,
intermediate users of OT data that provide services and applications to end-users (public
administration, businesses, and citizens) in several fields. - The scientific community, such as research bodies (private or public, universities or other
institutes) that have collaborated with ASI in various capacities to realize projects and
knowledge product.
The research method is based on:
- Direct surveys and interviews on the three types of actors, with the participation in the
project of 305 actors. - Econometric analysis on time-series of balance sheet data, patents’ and scientometric data
with over 20 thousand observations.
Working papers and Articles:
- Valentina Morretta, Davide Vurchio, Stefano Carrazza, "The socio economic value of scientific publications The case of Earth", 2022
- Veronica Lupi, Valentina Morretta, "Socio-economic benefits of earth observation: Insights from firms in Italy" in Earth’s Orbits at Risk: The Economics of Space Sustainability , 2022
- Massimo Florio, Valentina Morretta, "Earth Observation and Economic Studies A Cross fertilization", 2021
- Davide Vurchio, Anna Giunta, "The impact of the Italian Space Agency on scientific knowledge evidence from academic publications" , 2021
- Paolo Castelnovo, Jessica Catalano, Francesco Giffoni, Matteo Landoni, "The impact of space procurement on suppliers: evidence from Italy", 2021