
Over its three years of activity, the EUsers network of six universities has successfully organized 45 Seminars, involving overall 1,200 people and around 200 invited speakers from academia, civil society and policy makers contributed to the discussions; and 5 international workshops involving overall 300 participants, 110 speakers from around 100 different institutions including EU, International organisations, National ministries, academics and professional organisations.

Project details


Seminars organized by DEMM – University of Milan:

Seminars organized by Åbo Akademi University:

Seminars organized by University of Leipzig:

Seminars organized by Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien:

Seminars organized by Greenwich University:


  • XIV Milan European Economy Workshop, “Major Public Enterprises in a global perspective”, 25-26 June 2015 Program
  • XV Milan European Economy Workshop, “Recent advances in the Economics and Management of Public Enterprise”, 30 June 2016 Program
  • “Economics and Management of Public enterprises in Public Services Lessons learned from national experiences”, 8 June 2017 Program
  • XVI Milan European Economy Workshop, “Innovation and services of general interest: from the lab to enterprises and citizens”, 22-24 June 2017 Program
  • “The role of CBA in government decision-making: international perspectives”, 20 September 2017 Program


Università degli Studi di Milano
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Via Conservatorio 7
20122 Milano MI -Italy
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