

Milan European Economy Workshop: from 2001 to 2022
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XX Milan European Economy Workshop Knowledge creation, public entrepreneurship and social justice
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Exploring the application of CBA to RIs and major RDI projects - 13/11/2015
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Quantifiable economic impacts of research infrastructures - Hamburg (Germany) - 08/05/2019
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Lesson from the pandemic: biomedical innovation, the pharmaceutical industry and the role of public institutions - 20/01/2022
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XIX Milan European Economy Workshop: State-Owned Enterprise and Innovation in Public Services in a Post-Pandemic World - 30/06/2021
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The socio-economic impact of public policies in the space sector Italy (in Italian) - 30/09/2021
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Università degli Studi di Milano
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Via Conservatorio 7
20122 Milano MI -Italy
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